

Radical Imaging’s Consulting Service

Need medical imaging consultants? Radical Imaging can provide you with on-demand access to medical imaging experts to solve your biggest medical imaging challenges. Our medical imaging software development consultants are skilled in the development of the Open Health Imaging Foundation (OHIF) web imaging platform and OHIF-adjacent technologies (we co-created OHIF with colleagues at Massachusetts General Hospital Department of Radiology and are jointly responsible for ongoing development). Improve performance and ensure your medical imaging systems are stable and secure with the support of our medical imaging consultants. Get started with Radical Imaging’s consulting service by scheduling a discovery call with us to tell us about your medical imaging challenges.


Radical Imaging’s Medical Imaging Software Engineers Use and Have the Following Technologies and Skills

  • Full-stack web development, including TypeScript and React
  • Cloud deployments on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud
  • JavaScript, Node.js, Electron, Python
  • Imaging Processing
  • Linux, Windows, and MacOS
  • Machine Learning
  • Webpack

How it Works

How Radical Imaging’s Consulting for Medical Imaging Software Development Works

We start by learning about your medical imaging software development challenges during a discovery call. Based on your medical imaging software development challenges, we assign one or more of our medical imaging experts to your project to work an agreed upon number of hours. Your medical imaging software development expert(s) will be available for pair programming, knowledge transfer, answering questions, and POCs. After our expert medical imaging software engineer(s) begin consulting for you, they will log their work in Radical Imaging’s time tracking software and Radical Imaging will bill you directly for their work.

Get started with Radical Imaging’s consulting service


How does Radical Imaging bill its clients for Consulting services?

Agreed upon number of hours/project

What timezone are Radical Imaging’s consultants in?

The timezone of the medical imaging consultants working with you on your project depends on the resources available, since Radical Imaging is a global, remote team. Nonetheless, we will try to assign medical imaging consultants with the best overlap with your timezone. We have medical imaging consultants in Brazil, the United States, Canada, France, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands.

Will Radical Imaging’s consultants access our code?

Based on what we learn during the discovery call, we will determine if Radical Imaging’s consultants will need to access your code in order to provide consulting services.

Radical Imaging

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View Our Other Services

Managed Outcome

We can plan, work on, and manage medical imaging projects from inception to completion.

System Design and Planning

Our medical imaging experts can do the system design and planning for your medical imaging project.

Software Migration

Full migration from OHIF v2 to OHIF v3, including customizations.

© 2025 Radical Imaging LLC