Software Migration

Software Migration

Radical Imaging’s OHIF v2 to OHIF v3 Software Migration Service

Do you need to migrate from OHIF v2 to OHIF v3? Radical Imaging can complete a full migration from OHIF v2 to OHIF v3 for you, including customizations. As co-creators of OHIF, Radical Imaging is uniquely positioned to understand the complexities of migrating from OHIF v2 to OHIF v3. Radical Imaging’s team of software engineers helped to write OHIF v2 and OHIF v3, and have the tools necessary to complete your migration with minimal risk. Get started with Radical Imaging’s OHIF v2 to OHIF v3 software migration service by scheduling a discovery call with us to tell us about your software migration needs. 

How it Works

How Radical Imaging’s OHIF v2 to OHIF v3 Software Migration Service Works

We start by learning about your software migration needs during a discovery call. Then, we complete a differential analysis of your OHIF v2 solution back to our vanilla OHIF v2 build. Once complete, our medical imaging software engineers will develop a migration plan customized to your needs based on our findings.

Get started with Radical Imaging’s software migration service


How much does it cost to migrate from OHIF v2 to OHIF v3?

Radical Imaging will determine your OHIF v2 to OHIF v3 software migration cost after we complete a differential analysis of your OHIF v2 solution back to our vanilla OHIF v2 build and develop a migration plan customized to your needs based on our findings.

Radical Imaging

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